ed-ventures at Home
The perfect family-friendly maritime themed activities to do at home.
Check out our curated list of fun, family-friendly activities that you can do at home! We have experiences and activities for all ages!
Maritime Stories Series
Activities and Crafts for all ages!
Who Calls Our Ocean Home?
Our oceans are home to some pretty cool critters! Join Pru the Blue Whale as we take a deep dive into the oceans, their zones and learn about what makes them special. Even create your own ocean zones!
Clothes Pin Shark Craft
Sharks have become extremely popular over the past couple of years. But they are pretty cool creatures that call the ocean their home. Create your own sharky friend and learn about these friends in our shark clothes pin activity!
Toilet Paper Roll Fish
Use toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls to create your own fish - use glitter, glue, googly eyes, and any other items at home to make these fish as fun and bright as you like!
Sailor's Valentine
If you have any extra seashells lying around, follow this tutorial to create a Sailor's Valentine at home! In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, seashells like these were intricately arranged into geometric mosaics known as “sailors’ valentines.” They were—and still are—made by gluing hundreds of shells onto cotton batting and framing the work with octagonal cases of wood and glass.
Ways To Build A Boat!
Boats have been used for thousands of years to transport goods and people. They have been built out of all different kinds of materials, shapes and sizes. Take a dive into all the ways that boat have been built and test your skills at being a master boatwright!
How to Draw a Sailboat
The Fine Arts Gallery at the Cape Cod Maritime Museum regularly presents exhibitions showcasing the work of talented local and regional artists specializing in maritime themes. Our most recent show is a photography exhibit called Cape Scenes: Three Perspectives. If you are at home, why not indulge your own creative side? Try your hand at sketching a simple sailboat using this fun and easy tutorial, and send in your pictures to info@capecodmaritimemuseum.org
Boating Scavenger Hunt
Bringing the whole family on board for a day on the water can be loads of fun, but sometimes kids can get a little antsy. Or maybe you are taking a stroll down by the water to get some fresh sea air! Why not offer an entertaining “Boating Scavenger Hunt” to help keep your young mariners occupied and learning about different kinds of vessels, nautical equipment, and ocean life.
Knot Tying
Looking for something fun and practical to do while you are staying at home? How about tying a knot or two? Not only do we have displays of standard sailing knots at the Cape Cod Maritime Museum, but we also regularly offer knot tying and rope skills workshops as part of our educational community programming. So grab some rope or string and try out some of these traditional, and useful, nautical knots!
Blue Water Diving Observations
Watch and learn how blue and black water diving is conducted in the open ocean and what these divers see during the day and during the twilight zone migration at night. Check out the rest of the YouTube channel, hosted by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for more fun underwater exploration videos.
Whale Poop! Written and illustrated by Amy Estes
Come and join in on the amazing adventure, Whale Poop! Learn about Salt, a female North Atlantic Humpback whale who has graced the water off the coast of Cape Cod every year since the 1970s. Download this free digital e-book to learn how Salt and her fellow whales keep our oceans healthy.
Star Gazing
For centuries, mariners used the stars and the planets to guide them on their seafaring journeys. Celestial navigation is the practice of using angular measurements between celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, planets or stars, and the visible horizon. These "sights" allow a navigator to know where they are in the world accurately and to make calculations for a journey.
Sailing Adventure
Watch this fascinating video of solo sailor Igor Stropnik adventuring in the Arctic circle region of Norway.
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